Sample Board 3.3
■sample3.cgi:コピーして拡張子をcgiにして保存してください。 #!/usr/bin/perl #この最初の1行はプロバイダによって違いますので確認してください。 #2行目は必ず空行にしておいてください。 #このスクリプトはPerl5を使っています。 #################################################################### # # Sample Board version 3.23 # # Atelier H〜あとりえあっしゅ # # # #※このスクリプトの著作権はAtelier Hにあります。 # #################################################################### #このスクリプトから見たjcode.plの位置。 require './'; #記録用ファイルの指定 $data = 'logs.dat'; #戻るボタンを押したときのリンク先 $home = "../index.html"; #このファイルのURL $submit = 'http://***'; #クッキーを格納する名前を設定する $CookieName = 'mycookie'; #管理者の名前 $owner = "****"; #管理者のメールアドレス $mymail = '***'; #管理者が返信したときの本文の色 $color0 = 'hotpink'; #ゲストが書いたときの本文の色 $color1 = 'steelblue'; #BODYの設定 $bodys = '<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000ff" VLINK="#000099" ALINK="#0099ff">'; #表示記事の最大件数 $max = 100; #1ページの記事の件数 $ken = 20; #記事の文字数(全角)の上限。制限しない場合は$limit = ""; $limit = 50; #################################################################### #以上が初期設定です。 #CGI初心者の方は、これ以降は変更しないでください。 # #必要なファイルを以下のように設定します。 # #public_html # | # cgi-bin # | # sample3.cgi(ASCII/755)・・・このスクリプト # logs.dat(ASCII/666)・・・ログを書き込むファイル #・・・日本語コード処理ライブラリ # #パーミッションの設定は、プロバイダによって異なる場合があります。 #上手く動作しなかった場合はプロバイダに確認してください。 #################################################################### read(STDIN, $str, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); @part = split('&', $str); foreach $i (@part) { ($variable, $value) = split('=', $i); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; &jcode'convert(*value, 'sjis'); $value =~ s/</</g; $value =~ s/>/>/g; $value =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; $value =~ s/\r/\n/g; $FORM{$variable} = $value; } $name = $FORM{'name'}; $mail = $FORM{'mail'}; $subj = $FORM{'subj'}; $body = $FORM{'body'}; $link = $FORM{'link'}; $url = $FORM{'url'}; $pass = $FORM{'pass'}; $res = $FORM{'res'}; $target = $FORM{'target'}; $send = $FORM{'send'}; if($res){$respons = "No.$resへの返信";} if($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ /MSIE/){ $fsize1 = 40; $fsize2 = 55;} else{$fsize1 = 30; $fsize2 = 35;} ( $sec,$min,$hour,$day,$mon,$year,$wday ) = localtime(time); $mon++; @week = ('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'); $wday = $week[$wday]; $date = "$mon/$day/$hour:$min"; if ($body =~ /\r\n/) { $body =~ s/\r\n/<BR>/g; } if ($body =~ /\n/) { $body =~ s/\n/<BR>/g; } if ($body =~ /\r/) { $body =~ s/\r/<BR>/g; } if ($body =~ /\,/) { $body =~ s/\,/\0/g; } if ($subj =~ /\,/) { $subj =~ s/\,/\0/g; } $ken_ = $ken -1; $max_ = $max -1; $end = $top + $ken_; $last = $FORM{'last'}; $next = $FORM{'next'}; $last = $FORM{'last'}; if($last){ if ($last < $max_){ $top = $last +1; $end = $top + $ken_;} else {$top = $max - $ken; $end = $max_;} } open(FILE,"$data") || die "データファイルが読めません。"; @lines = <FILE>; close(FILE); @line = @lines; $value = pop (@line); @value = split (/\,/, $value); &lock; if($send == 1){ $number = shift (@value); if (!$res){ $number++;} $values = "$number\,$date\,$name\,$mail\,$subj\,$body\,$url\,$link\,$image\,$res\n"; if (!$name || !$body){ print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "<HTML>\n"; print "<TITLE> エラー </TITLE>\n$bodys\n"; print "<H2>入力エラーです。</H2>\n"; print "お名前とコメントは必ず記入してください。</HTML>\n"; exit; } elsif ($limit && length($body) > $limit*2){ print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "<HTML>\n"; print "<TITLE> エラー </TITLE>\n$bodys\n"; print "<B><FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">入力エラー</FONT></B><BR>\n"; print "記事は$limit文字以内でお願いします。</BODY></HTML>\n"; exit; } if ($#lines > $max){ shift @lines; push @lines,$values; open(FILE, ">$data") || die "データファイルに書き込めません"; print FILE @lines; close(FILE); } else { open(FILE, ">>$data") || die "データファイルに書き込めません"; print FILE $values; close(FILE); push @lines,$values; } if($respons){ print "Location: $submit?\n\n"; } } print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print <<"EOF"; <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Sample Board</TITLE></HEAD> $bodys <BASEFONT SIZE="3"> <FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="$submit"> <CENTER> <TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="95%"> <TR><TD> <P><B>Name <INPUT NAME="name" SIZE=$fsize1 value="$COOKIE{'name'}"><BR> Mail <INPUT NAME="mail" SIZE=$fsize1 value="$COOKIE{'email'}"><BR> Title <INPUT NAME="subj" SIZE=$fsize1 VALUE=$respons><BR> Comment<BR> <TEXTAREA NAME="body" COLS=$fsize2 ROWS=5 VALUE=$yearg></TEXTAREA><BR> Link <INPUT NAME="link" SIZE=20 VALUE="ぽちっとな"><BR> URL</B> <INPUT NAME="url" SIZE=$fsize1><BR> </TD> <TD VALIGN="top"> <H1>サンプル掲示板</H1> <UL><LI>記事の文字数制限が可能です。 <LI>新規記事が20ごとで改ページされます。 <LI>新規記事が100になると古いログから削除されます。 <LI>タグは使用できません。 <LI>管理者のレスだけ色が変わります。 </UL> </TD> <TR><TD> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="send" VALUE="1"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="res" VALUE="$res"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE=" カキコします♪ "> <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="やり直し"> </FORM></TD> <TD ALIGN="center"> <FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="$submit"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="last" VALUE="$end"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE=" 前のページ "> </TD></TR></TABLE></FORM> </CENTER> EOF @lines = reverse(@lines); foreach $line (@lines) { ($number,$date,$name,$mail,$subj,$body,$url,$link,$image,$res) = split(/\,/,$line); $new = "false"; if ($res > 0) { $new = "true"; } if ($new eq "false") { push(@NEW,$line); } } if ($end > $#NEW){ $end = $#NEW;} for ($i = $top; $i <= $end; $i++) { ($number,$date,$name,$mail,$subj,$body,$url,$link,$image,$res) = split(/\,/,$NEW[$i]); print "<HR>\n"; print "<BLOCKQUOTE><FORM METHOD=\"post\" ACTION=\"$submit\">\n"; print "<B>[$number]<FONT size=\"+1\" COLOR=\"darkturquoise\">$subj</FONT></B>\n"; print " <INPUT TYPE=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Res\"><BR>\n"; print "<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"res\" VALUE=\"$number\">\n"; print "<FONT COLOR=\"gray\" SIZE=\"-1\"><B>Date:</B>$date</FONT>\n"; if($name eq $owner){ print "<B><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">管理者</FONT><A HREF=\"mailto:$mymail\">$name</A></B>\n"; } else{ if($mail){ print "<A HREF=\"mailto:$mail\">$name</A>";} else{ print "<FONT COLOR=\"#f799ee\">$name</FONT>";} print "<FONT SIZE=\"-1\">さん</FONT>"; } print "<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT COLOR=\"$color1\">$body</FONT>\n"; if($url){print "<BR><P><A HREF=\"$url\">$link</A>";} print "</BLOCKQUOTE></FORM><BR CLEAR=\"all\">"; @resslines = reverse(@lines); foreach $ressline (@resslines) { ($num,$da,$na,$ma,$su,$bo,$ur,$li,$im,$re) = split(/\,/,$ressline); if($number == $re){ print "<BLOCKQUOTE><HR WIDTH=\"80%\" ALIGN=\"left\">\n"; print "Re:<FONT COLOR=\"gray\" SIZE=\"-1\"><B>Date:</B>$da</FONT>\n"; if($na eq $owner){ print "<B><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">管理者</FONT><A HREF=\"mailto:$mymail\">$na</A></B>"; $color = $color0;} else{ if($ma){print "<A HREF=\"mailto:$ma\">$na</A>";} else{print "<B><FONT COLOR=\"#f799ee\">$na</FONT></B><FONT SIZE=\"-1\">さん</FONT>\n";} $color = $color1; } print "<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT COLOR=\"$color\">$bo</FONT>\n"; if($ur){print "<BR><P><A HREF=\"$ur\">$li</A>";} print "</BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE>\n"; } } print "</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"; } #著作権表示を削除しないでください。 print <<"EOF"; <HR SIZE=5> <P><A HREF="$home"><B><I>TOPへ戻る</I></B></A> <ADDRESS> <DIV ALIGN="right"> <FONT SIZE="3">Sample board:<A HREF="mailto:info\">(c)Atelier H</A></FONT> </DIV></ADDRESS></BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE></BODY></HTML> EOF if (-e $lockfile) { unlink($lockfile);} exit; sub lock { $c = 0; while(-f "$lockfile") { $c++; if ($c >= 3) { if (-e $lockfile) { unlink($lockfile); } print "BUSY"; } sleep(2); } open(LOCK,">$lockfile"); close(LOCK); }
■ package jcode; ;###################################################################### ;# ;# Perl library for Japanese character code conversion ;# ;# Copyright (c) 1995-2000 Kazumasa Utashiro <> ;# Internet Initiative Japan Inc. ;# 3-13 Kanda Nishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054, Japan ;# ;# Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994 Kazumasa Utashiro ;# Software Research Associates, Inc. ;# ;# Use and redistribution for ANY PURPOSE are granted as long as all ;# copyright notices are retained. Redistribution with modification ;# is allowed provided that you make your modified version obviously ;# distinguishable from the original one. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ;# BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE ;# DISCLAIMED. ;# ;# Original version was developed under the name of ;# February 1992 and it was called at the beginning. This ;# address was a pen name for group of individuals and it is no longer ;# valid. ;# ;# The latest version is available here: ;# ;# ;# ;; $rcsid = q$Id:,v 2.13 2000/09/29 16:10:05 utashiro Exp $; ;# ;###################################################################### ;# ;# PERL4 INTERFACE: ;# ;# &jcode'getcode(*line) ;# Return 'jis', 'sjis', 'euc' or undef according to ;# Japanese character code in $line. Return 'binary' if ;# the data has non-character code. ;# ;# When evaluated in array context, it returns a list ;# contains two items. First value is the number of ;# characters which matched to the expected code, and ;# second value is the code name. It is useful if and ;# only if the number is not 0 and the code is undef; ;# that case means it couldn't tell 'euc' or 'sjis' ;# because the evaluation score was exactly same. This ;# interface is too tricky, though. ;# ;# Code detection between euc and sjis is very difficult ;# or sometimes impossible or even lead to wrong result ;# when it includes JIS X0201 KANA characters. So JIS ;# X0201 KANA is ignored for automatic code detection. ;# ;# &jcode'convert(*line, $ocode [, $icode [, $option]]) ;# Convert the contents of $line to the specified ;# Japanese code given in the second argument $ocode. ;# $ocode can be any of "jis", "sjis" or "euc", or use ;# "noconv" when you don't want the code conversion. ;# Input code is recognized automatically from the line ;# itself when $icode is not supplied (JIS X0201 KANA is ;# ignored in code detection. See the above descripton ;# of &getcode). $icode also can be specified, but ;# xxx2yyy routine is more efficient when both codes are ;# known. ;# ;# It returns the code of input string in scalar context, ;# and a list of pointer of convert subroutine and the ;# input code in array context. ;# ;# Japanese character code JIS X0201, X0208, X0212 and ;# ASCII code are supported. X0212 characters can not be ;# represented in SJIS and they will be replased by ;# "geta" character when converted to SJIS. ;# ;# See next paragraph for $option parameter. ;# ;# &jcode'xxx2yyy(*line [, $option]) ;# Convert the Japanese code from xxx to yyy. String xxx ;# and yyy are any convination from "jis", "euc" or ;# "sjis". They return *approximate* number of converted ;# bytes. So return value 0 means the line was not ;# converted at all. ;# ;# Optional parameter $option is used to specify optional ;# conversion method. String "z" is for JIS X0201 KANA ;# to X0208 KANA, and "h" is for reverse. ;# ;# $jcode'convf{'xxx', 'yyy'} ;# The value of this associative array is pointer to the ;# subroutine jcode'xxx2yyy(). ;# ;# &jcode'to($ocode, $line [, $icode [, $option]]) ;# &jcode'jis($line [, $icode [, $option]]) ;# &jcode'euc($line [, $icode [, $option]]) ;# &jcode'sjis($line [, $icode [, $option]]) ;# These functions are prepared for easy use of ;# call/return-by-value interface. You can use these ;# funcitons in s///e operation or any other place for ;# convenience. ;# ;# &jcode'jis_inout($in, $out) ;# Set or inquire JIS start and end sequences. Default ;# is "ESC-$-B" and "ESC-(-B". If you supplied only one ;# character, "ESC-$" or "ESC-(" is prepended for each ;# character respectively. Acutually "ESC-(-B" is not a ;# sequence to end JIS code but a sequence to start ASCII ;# code set. So `in' and `out' are somewhat misleading. ;# ;# &jcode'get_inout($string) ;# Get JIS start and end sequences from $string. ;# ;# &jcode'cache() ;# &jcode'nocache() ;# &jcode'flush() ;# Usually, converted character is cached in memory to ;# avoid same calculations have to be done many times. ;# To disable this caching, call &jcode'nocache(). It ;# can be revived by &jcode'cache() and cache is flushed ;# by calling &jcode'flush(). &cache() and &nocache() ;# functions return previous caching state. ;# ;# --------------------------------------------------------------- ;# ;# &jcode'h2z_xxx(*line) ;# JIS X0201 KANA (so-called Hankaku-KANA) to X0208 KANA ;# (Zenkaku-KANA) code conversion routine. String xxx is ;# any of "jis", "sjis" and "euc". From the difficulty ;# of recognizing code set from 1-byte KATAKANA string, ;# automatic code recognition is not supported. ;# ;# &jcode'z2h_xxx(*line) ;# X0208 to X0201 KANA code conversion routine. String ;# xxx is any of "jis", "sjis" and "euc". ;# ;# $jcode'z2hf{'xxx'} ;# $jcode'h2zf{'xxx'} ;# These are pointer to the corresponding function just ;# as $jcode'convf. ;# ;# --------------------------------------------------------------- ;# ;# &jcode'tr(*line, $from, $to [, $option]) ;# &jcode'tr emulates tr operator for 2 byte code. Only 'd' ;# is interpreted as an option. ;# ;# Range operator like `A-Z' for 2 byte code is partially ;# supported. Code must be JIS or EUC, and first byte ;# have to be same on first and last character. ;# ;# CAUTION: Handling range operator is a kind of trick ;# and it is not perfect. So if you need to transfer `-' ;# character, please be sure to put it at the beginning ;# or the end of $from and $to strings. ;# ;# &jcode'trans($line, $from, $to [, $option) ;# Same as &jcode'tr but accept string and return string ;# after translation. ;# ;# --------------------------------------------------------------- ;# ;# &jcode'init() ;# Initialize the variables used in this package. You ;# don't have to call this when using by `do' or ;# `require' interface. Call it first if you embedded ;# the at the end of your script. ;# ;###################################################################### ;# ;# PERL5 INTERFACE: ;# ;# Current is written in Perl 4 but it is possible to use ;# from Perl 5 using `references'. Fully perl5 capable version is ;# future issue. ;# ;# Since lexical variable is not a subject of typeglob, *string style ;# call doesn't work if the variable is declared as `my'. Same thing ;# happens to special variable $_ if the perl is compiled to use ;# thread capability. So using reference is generally recommented to ;# avoid the mysterious error. ;# ;# jcode::getcode(\$line) ;# jcode::convert(\$line, $ocode [, $icode [, $option]]) ;# jcode::xxx2yyy(\$line [, $option]) ;# &{$jcode::convf{'xxx', 'yyy'}}(\$line) ;# jcode::to($ocode, $line [, $icode [, $option]]) ;# jcode::jis($line [, $icode [, $option]]) ;# jcode::euc($line [, $icode [, $option]]) ;# jcode::sjis($line [, $icode [, $option]]) ;# jcode::jis_inout($in, $out) ;# jcode::get_inout($string) ;# jcode::cache() ;# jcode::nocache() ;# jcode::flush() ;# jcode::h2z_xxx(\$line) ;# jcode::z2h_xxx(\$line) ;# &{$jcode::z2hf{'xxx'}}(\$line) ;# &{$jcode::h2zf{'xxx'}}(\$line) ;# jcode::tr(\$line, $from, $to [, $option]) ;# jcode::trans($line, $from, $to [, $option) ;# jcode::init() ;# ;###################################################################### ;# ;# SAMPLES ;# ;# Convert any Kanji code to JIS and print each line with code name. ;# ;# while (defined($s = <>)) { ;# $code = &jcode'convert(*s, 'jis'); ;# print $code, "\t", $s; ;# } ;# ;# Convert all lines to JIS according to the first recognized line. ;# ;# while (defined($s = <>)) { ;# print, next unless $s =~ /[\033\200-\377]/; ;# (*f, $icode) = &jcode'convert(*s, 'jis'); ;# print; ;# defined(&f) || next; ;# while (<>) { &f(*s); print; } ;# last; ;# } ;# ;# The safest way of JIS conversion. ;# ;# while (defined($s = <>)) { ;# ($matched, $icode) = &jcode'getcode(*s); ;# if (@buf == 0 && $matched == 0) { ;# print $s; ;# next; ;# } ;# push(@buf, $s); ;# next unless $icode; ;# while (defined($s = shift(@buf))) { ;# &jcode'convert(*s, 'jis', $icode); ;# print $s; ;# } ;# while (defined($s = <>)) { ;# &jcode'convert(*s, 'jis', $icode); ;# print $s; ;# } ;# last; ;# } ;# print @buf if @buf; ;# ;###################################################################### ;# ;# Call initialize function if it is not called yet. This may sound ;# strange but it makes easy to embed the at the end of ;# script. Call &jcode'init at the beginning of the script in that ;# case. ;# &init unless defined $version; ;# ;# Initialize variables. ;# sub init { $version = $rcsid =~ /,v ([\d.]+)/ ? $1 : 'unknown'; $re_bin = '[\000-\006\177\377]'; $re_jis0208_1978 = '\e\$\@'; $re_jis0208_1983 = '\e\$B'; $re_jis0208_1990 = '\e&\@\e\$B'; $re_jis0208 = "$re_jis0208_1978|$re_jis0208_1983|$re_jis0208_1990"; $re_jis0212 = '\e\$\(D'; $re_jp = "$re_jis0208|$re_jis0212"; $re_asc = '\e\([BJ]'; $re_kana = '\e\(I'; $esc_0208 = "\e\$B"; $esc_0212 = "\e\$(D"; $esc_asc = "\e(B"; $esc_kana = "\e(I"; $re_sjis_c = '[\201-\237\340-\374][\100-\176\200-\374]'; $re_sjis_kana = '[\241-\337]'; $re_euc_c = '[\241-\376][\241-\376]'; $re_euc_kana = '\216[\241-\337]'; $re_euc_0212 = '\217[\241-\376][\241-\376]'; # Use `geta' for undefined character code $undef_sjis = "\x81\xac"; $cache = 1; # X0201 -> X0208 KANA conversion table. Looks weird? Not that # much. This is simply JIS text without escape sequences. ($h2z_high = $h2z = <<'__TABLE_END__') =~ tr/\041-\176/\241-\376/; ! !# $ !" % !& " !V # !W ^ !+ _ !, 0 !< ' %! ( %# ) %% * %' + %) , %c - %e . %g / %C 1 %" 2 %$ 3 %& 4 %( 5 %* 6 %+ 7 %- 8 %/ 9 %1 : %3 6^ %, 7^ %. 8^ %0 9^ %2 :^ %4 ; %5 < %7 = %9 > %; ? %= ;^ %6 <^ %8 =^ %: >^ %< ?^ %> @ %? A %A B %D C %F D %H @^ %@ A^ %B B^ %E C^ %G D^ %I E %J F %K G %L H %M I %N J %O K %R L %U M %X N %[ J^ %P K^ %S L^ %V M^ %Y N^ %\ J_ %Q K_ %T L_ %W M_ %Z N_ %] O %^ P %_ Q %` R %a S %b T %d U %f V %h W %i X %j Y %k Z %l [ %m \ %o ] %s & %r 3^ %t __TABLE_END__ %h2z = split(/\s+/, $h2z . $h2z_high); %z2h = reverse %h2z; $convf{'jis' , 'jis' } = *jis2jis; $convf{'jis' , 'sjis'} = *jis2sjis; $convf{'jis' , 'euc' } = *jis2euc; $convf{'euc' , 'jis' } = *euc2jis; $convf{'euc' , 'sjis'} = *euc2sjis; $convf{'euc' , 'euc' } = *euc2euc; $convf{'sjis' , 'jis' } = *sjis2jis; $convf{'sjis' , 'sjis'} = *sjis2sjis; $convf{'sjis' , 'euc' } = *sjis2euc; $h2zf{'jis' } = *h2z_jis; $z2hf{'jis' } = *z2h_jis; $h2zf{'euc' } = *h2z_euc; $z2hf{'euc' } = *z2h_euc; $h2zf{'sjis'} = *h2z_sjis; $z2hf{'sjis'} = *z2h_sjis; } ;# ;# Set escape sequences which should be put before and after Japanese ;# (JIS X0208) string. ;# sub jis_inout { $esc_0208 = shift || $esc_0208; $esc_0208 = "\e\$$esc_0208" if length($esc_0208) == 1; $esc_asc = shift || $esc_asc; $esc_asc = "\e\($esc_asc" if length($esc_asc) == 1; ($esc_0208, $esc_asc); } ;# ;# Get JIS in and out sequences from the string. ;# sub get_inout { local($esc_0208, $esc_asc); $_[$[] =~ /($re_jis0208)/o && ($esc_0208 = $1); $_[$[] =~ /($re_asc)/o && ($esc_asc = $1); ($esc_0208, $esc_asc); } ;# ;# Recognize character code. ;# sub getcode { local(*s) = @_; local($matched, $code); if ($s !~ /[\e\200-\377]/) { # not Japanese $matched = 0; $code = undef; } # 'jis' elsif ($s =~ /$re_jp|$re_asc|$re_kana/o) { $matched = 1; $code = 'jis'; } elsif ($s =~ /$re_bin/o) { # 'binary' $matched = 0; $code = 'binary'; } else { # should be 'euc' or 'sjis' local($sjis, $euc) = (0, 0); while ($s =~ /(($re_sjis_c)+)/go) { $sjis += length($1); } while ($s =~ /(($re_euc_c|$re_euc_kana|$re_euc_0212)+)/go) { $euc += length($1); } $matched = &max($sjis, $euc); $code = ('euc', undef, 'sjis')[($sjis<=>$euc) + $[ + 1]; } wantarray ? ($matched, $code) : $code; } sub max { $_[ $[ + ($_[ $[ ] < $_[ $[ + 1 ]) ]; } ;# ;# Convert any code to specified code. ;# sub convert { local(*s, $ocode, $icode, $opt) = @_; return (undef, undef) unless $icode = $icode || &getcode(*s); return (undef, $icode) if $icode eq 'binary'; $ocode = 'jis' unless $ocode; $ocode = $icode if $ocode eq 'noconv'; local(*f) = $convf{$icode, $ocode}; &f(*s, $opt); wantarray ? (*f, $icode) : $icode; } ;# ;# Easy return-by-value interfaces. ;# sub jis { &to('jis', @_); } sub euc { &to('euc', @_); } sub sjis { &to('sjis', @_); } sub to { local($ocode, $s, $icode, $opt) = @_; &convert(*s, $ocode, $icode, $opt); $s; } sub what { local($s) = @_; &getcode(*s); } sub trans { local($s) = shift; &tr(*s, @_); $s; } ;# ;# SJIS to JIS ;# sub sjis2jis { local(*s, $opt, $n) = @_; &sjis2sjis(*s, $opt) if $opt; $s =~ s/(($re_sjis_c|$re_sjis_kana)+)/&_sjis2jis($1) . $esc_asc/geo; $n; } sub _sjis2jis { local($s) = shift; $s =~ s/(($re_sjis_c)+|($re_sjis_kana)+)/&__sjis2jis($1)/geo; $s; } sub __sjis2jis { local($s) = shift; if ($s =~ /^$re_sjis_kana/o) { $n += $s =~ tr/\241-\337/\041-\137/; $esc_kana . $s; } else { $n += $s =~ s/($re_sjis_c)/$s2e{$1}||&s2e($1)/geo; $s =~ tr/\241-\376/\041-\176/; $esc_0208 . $s; } } ;# ;# EUC to JIS ;# sub euc2jis { local(*s, $opt, $n) = @_; &euc2euc(*s, $opt) if $opt; $s =~ s/(($re_euc_c|$re_euc_kana|$re_euc_0212)+)/ &_euc2jis($1) . $esc_asc /geo; $n; } sub _euc2jis { local($s) = shift; $s =~ s/(($re_euc_c)+|($re_euc_kana)+|($re_euc_0212)+)/&__euc2jis($1)/geo; $s; } sub __euc2jis { local($s) = shift; local($esc); if ($s =~ tr/\216//d) { $esc = $esc_kana; } elsif ($s =~ tr/\217//d) { $esc = $esc_0212; } else { $esc = $esc_0208; } $n += $s =~ tr/\241-\376/\041-\176/; $esc . $s; } ;# ;# JIS to EUC ;# sub jis2euc { local(*s, $opt, $n) = @_; $s =~ s/($re_jp|$re_asc|$re_kana)([^\e]*)/&_jis2euc($1,$2)/geo; &euc2euc(*s, $opt) if $opt; $n; } sub _jis2euc { local($esc, $s) = @_; if ($esc !~ /^$re_asc/o) { $n += $s =~ tr/\041-\176/\241-\376/; if ($esc =~ /^$re_kana/o) { $s =~ s/([\241-\337])/\216$1/g; } elsif ($esc =~ /^$re_jis0212/o) { $s =~ s/([\241-\376][\241-\376])/\217$1/g; } } $s; } ;# ;# JIS to SJIS ;# sub jis2sjis { local(*s, $opt, $n) = @_; &jis2jis(*s, $opt) if $opt; $s =~ s/($re_jp|$re_asc|$re_kana)([^\e]*)/&_jis2sjis($1,$2)/geo; $n; } sub _jis2sjis { local($esc, $s) = @_; if ($esc =~ /^$re_jis0212/o) { $s =~ s/../$undef_sjis/g; $n = length; } elsif ($esc !~ /^$re_asc/o) { $n += $s =~ tr/\041-\176/\241-\376/; if ($esc =~ /^$re_jp/o) { $s =~ s/($re_euc_c)/$e2s{$1}||&e2s($1)/geo; } } $s; } ;# ;# SJIS to EUC ;# sub sjis2euc { local(*s, $opt,$n) = @_; $n = $s =~ s/($re_sjis_c|$re_sjis_kana)/$s2e{$1}||&s2e($1)/geo; &euc2euc(*s, $opt) if $opt; $n; } sub s2e { local($c1, $c2, $code); ($c1, $c2) = unpack('CC', $code = shift); if (0xa1 <= $c1 && $c1 <= 0xdf) { $c2 = $c1; $c1 = 0x8e; } elsif (0x9f <= $c2) { $c1 = $c1 * 2 - ($c1 >= 0xe0 ? 0xe0 : 0x60); $c2 += 2; } else { $c1 = $c1 * 2 - ($c1 >= 0xe0 ? 0xe1 : 0x61); $c2 += 0x60 + ($c2 < 0x7f); } if ($cache) { $s2e{$code} = pack('CC', $c1, $c2); } else { pack('CC', $c1, $c2); } } ;# ;# EUC to SJIS ;# sub euc2sjis { local(*s, $opt,$n) = @_; &euc2euc(*s, $opt) if $opt; $n = $s =~ s/($re_euc_c|$re_euc_kana|$re_euc_0212)/$e2s{$1}||&e2s($1)/geo; } sub e2s { local($c1, $c2, $code); ($c1, $c2) = unpack('CC', $code = shift); if ($c1 == 0x8e) { # SS2 return substr($code, 1, 1); } elsif ($c1 == 0x8f) { # SS3 return $undef_sjis; } elsif ($c1 % 2) { $c1 = ($c1>>1) + ($c1 < 0xdf ? 0x31 : 0x71); $c2 -= 0x60 + ($c2 < 0xe0); } else { $c1 = ($c1>>1) + ($c1 < 0xdf ? 0x30 : 0x70); $c2 -= 2; } if ($cache) { $e2s{$code} = pack('CC', $c1, $c2); } else { pack('CC', $c1, $c2); } } ;# ;# JIS to JIS, SJIS to SJIS, EUC to EUC ;# sub jis2jis { local(*s, $opt) = @_; $s =~ s/$re_jis0208/$esc_0208/go; $s =~ s/$re_asc/$esc_asc/go; &h2z_jis(*s) if $opt =~ /z/; &z2h_jis(*s) if $opt =~ /h/; } sub sjis2sjis { local(*s, $opt) = @_; &h2z_sjis(*s) if $opt =~ /z/; &z2h_sjis(*s) if $opt =~ /h/; } sub euc2euc { local(*s, $opt) = @_; &h2z_euc(*s) if $opt =~ /z/; &z2h_euc(*s) if $opt =~ /h/; } ;# ;# Cache control functions ;# sub cache { ($cache, $cache = 1)[$[]; } sub nocache { ($cache, $cache = 0)[$[]; } sub flushcache { undef %e2s; undef %s2e; } ;# ;# X0201 -> X0208 KANA conversion routine ;# sub h2z_jis { local(*s, $n) = @_; if ($s =~ s/$re_kana([^\e]*)/$esc_0208 . &_h2z_jis($1)/geo) { 1 while $s =~ s/(($re_jis0208)[^\e]*)($re_jis0208)/$1/o; } $n; } sub _h2z_jis { local($s) = @_; $n += $s =~ s/(([\041-\137])([\136\137])?)/ $h2z{$1} || $h2z{$2} . $h2z{$3} /ge; $s; } sub h2z_euc { local(*s) = @_; $s =~ s/\216([\241-\337])(\216([\336\337]))?/ $h2z{"$1$3"} || $h2z{$1} . $h2z{$3} /ge; } sub h2z_sjis { local(*s, $n) = @_; $s =~ s/(($re_sjis_c)+)|(([\241-\337])([\336\337])?)/ $1 || ($n++, $h2z{$3} ? $e2s{$h2z{$3}} || &e2s($h2z{$3}) : &e2s($h2z{$4}) . ($5 && &e2s($h2z{$5}))) /geo; $n; } ;# ;# X0208 -> X0201 KANA conversion routine ;# sub z2h_jis { local(*s, $n) = @_; $s =~ s/($re_jis0208)([^\e]+)/&_z2h_jis($2)/geo; $n; } sub _z2h_jis { local($s) = @_; $s =~ s/((\%[!-~]|![\#\"&VW+,<])+|([^!%][!-~]|![^\#\"&VW+,<])+)/ &__z2h_jis($1) /ge; $s; } sub __z2h_jis { local($s) = @_; return $esc_0208 . $s unless $s =~ /^%/ || $s =~ /^![\#\"&VW+,<]/; $n += length($s) / 2; $s =~ s/(..)/$z2h{$1}/g; $esc_kana . $s; } sub z2h_euc { local(*s, $n) = @_; &init_z2h_euc unless defined %z2h_euc; $s =~ s/($re_euc_c|$re_euc_kana)/ $z2h_euc{$1} ? ($n++, $z2h_euc{$1}) : $1 /geo; $n; } sub z2h_sjis { local(*s, $n) = @_; &init_z2h_sjis unless defined %z2h_sjis; $s =~ s/($re_sjis_c)/$z2h_sjis{$1} ? ($n++, $z2h_sjis{$1}) : $1/geo; $n; } ;# ;# Initializing JIS X0208 to X0201 KANA table for EUC and SJIS. This ;# can be done in &init but it's not worth doing. Similarly, ;# precalculated table is not worth to occupy the file space and ;# reduce the readability. The author personnaly discourages to use ;# X0201 Kana character in the any situation. ;# sub init_z2h_euc { local($k, $s); while (($k, $s) = each %z2h) { $s =~ s/([\241-\337])/\216$1/g && ($z2h_euc{$k} = $s); } } sub init_z2h_sjis { local($s, $v); while (($s, $v) = each %z2h) { $s =~ /[\200-\377]/ && ($z2h_sjis{&e2s($s)} = $v); } } ;# ;# TR function for 2-byte code ;# sub tr { # $prev_from, $prev_to, %table are persistent variables local(*s, $from, $to, $opt) = @_; local(@from, @to); local($jis, $n) = (0, 0); $jis++, &jis2euc(*s) if $s =~ /$re_jp|$re_asc|$re_kana/o; $jis++ if $to =~ /$re_jp|$re_asc|$re_kana/o; if (!defined($prev_from) || $from ne $prev_from || $to ne $prev_to) { ($prev_from, $prev_to) = ($from, $to); undef %table; &_maketable; } $s =~ s/([\200-\377][\000-\377]|[\000-\377])/ defined($table{$1}) && ++$n ? $table{$1} : $1 /ge; &euc2jis(*s) if $jis; $n; } sub _maketable { local($ascii) = '(\\\\[\\-\\\\]|[\0-\133\135-\177])'; &jis2euc(*to) if $to =~ /$re_jp|$re_asc|$re_kana/o; &jis2euc(*from) if $from =~ /$re_jp|$re_asc|$re_kana/o; grep(s/(([\200-\377])[\200-\377]-\2[\200-\377])/&_expnd2($1)/ge, $from, $to); grep(s/($ascii-$ascii)/&_expnd1($1)/geo, $from, $to); @to = $to =~ /[\200-\377][\000-\377]|[\000-\377]/g; @from = $from =~ /[\200-\377][\000-\377]|[\000-\377]/g; push(@to, ($opt =~ /d/ ? '' : $to[$#to]) x (@from - @to)) if @to < @from; @table{@from} = @to; } sub _expnd1 { local($s) = @_; $s =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g; local($c1, $c2) = unpack('CxC', $s); if ($c1 <= $c2) { for ($s = ''; $c1 <= $c2; $c1++) { $s .= pack('C', $c1); } } $s; } sub _expnd2 { local($s) = @_; local($c1, $c2, $c3, $c4) = unpack('CCxCC', $s); if ($c1 == $c3 && $c2 <= $c4) { for ($s = ''; $c2 <= $c4; $c2++) { $s .= pack('CC', $c1, $c2); } } $s; } 1;